By Marcella Sanchez, CPT | Updated: Apr 28, 2024

Phlebotomy Schools in New York

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New York
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Many people are understandably afraid to have their blood drawn. Phlebotomists get to provide medical lab patients with professional, caring, compassionate blood draws and can make a difference in how a patient feels about their medical treatment experience. Phlebotomy school is intense but can be completed fairly quickly, creating an “in” to providing direct patient healthcare. According to the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, the field of phlebotomy is growing fast. Between 2019 and 2029, it’s expected that the need for phlebotomists in the United States will increase by 17%. In New York, there are currently 5,800 full-time phlebotomists. This means that between 2019 and 2029, New York will need approximately 986 additional phlebotomists.

How Can I Find the Best Phlebotomy Training Program Near Me?

In New York, there are many reputable phlebotomist training programs. When choosing a program, students need to ensure that the program schedule includes both a classroom learning and hands-on component (it’s fine if the classroom learning portion of the program is online). Phlebotomy graduates need to be prepared to provide direct patient care, and it’s essential that they go through the process of learning how to draw blood under the guidance of a qualified instructor.

Students must also consider whether an online or traditional classroom setting makes the most sense for their schedule. Students who choose an online program must work closely with their program advisor to ensure that they can complete their hands-on lab requirements at a location convenient to them.

What Is the Phlebotomy Certification/Licensing Process in New York?

Only four states in the U.S. require that phlebotomists be certified (Washington, Nevada, Louisiana, and California). That being said, many employers of phlebotomists prefer that their employees are certified, regardless of state requirements. Employers know that a certified phlebotomist has gone through safety training, hands-on practice, and will show up on the first day of work with many successful blood draws already under their belt.

In addition to providing future employers with the peace of mind associated with certification, completing a certification program can also make it easier for phlebotomists to find a job if they move to a new state.

Where Can I Find a Job As a Phlebotomist in New York?

Phlebotomy jobs are available in many settings, including outpatient labs, hospitals, non-profits, home healthcare organizations, and more.

Some of the most common employers of phlebotomists in New York include:

  • Columbia University
  • Labcorp
  • Medely
  • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • American Red Cross
  • BioReference Laboratories
  • Centers Health Care

What Is the Salary for a Phlebotomist in New York?

In the United States, the average annual salary for a phlebotomist is $35,606, or $17.46 per hour. In New York, the average annual salary for a phlebotomist is significantly higher than average, at $40,630, or $19.53 per hour. Experience, education, and job performance can all affect a phlebotomist’s salary. It’s also important to consider the cost of living when considering average salary — many areas of New York have a higher cost of living than other areas in the United States. 

Phlebotomy Schools By City

The following cities in New York offer phlebotomy training schools and courses.